Update 12:45pm: Expired! Maximum Number of Promo Codes Have Been Used
New Customers:
- Click here and sign up for a new account (Use desktop to sign up, not their app)
- You’ll get $7 off your first order of $10 or more
- After you sign up, you can continue to the ‘Existing Customers‘ steps below (these 2 offers will stack together for new customers)
Existing Customers ($10 off $15):
- Select a restaurant and add at least $15 (before taxes/fees) to your cart
- You don’t have to make the order now but its the only way to add the code to your account
- At checkout, use Promo Code: CAMPCOOKOUT
- This will give you $10 off your $15 order – new customers will be able to stack their $7 from above making this $17 off your order!