Update: Dead!
Skullcandy Venue Active Noise Canceling Wireless BT Headphones $9.99
This is sold and shipped directly from Skullcandy via eBay
This is currently selling for $99.99 at Best Buy and Amazon
This deal works on all 3 colors/styles on page
Amazing deal!!
You guys are the best!
This item is unfortunately sold out
did anyone have their payment go through? mine is now pending.
Payment was pending then the seller deleted item. Couldn’t get deal 🙁
I purchased it.
Then it said payment is pending. I called my bank and they said my credit card is fine.
Then I called up ebay and they said my balance and credit was fine as well.
Now it says their was an issue with your payment so the seller canceled the transaction. (This is false because I called up and my payment was good.)
So I emailed skullcandy via ebay messages complaining stating they need to honor their offered price.
Let me know if anyone else recieved the item
how long ago did this ordeal play out? I don’t believe legally they have to honor a price mistake.
I purchased and order went through.. Got an email saying confirmed. But anything can happen until I actually get it.
Bought 2. order went through. Was redirected to page that says thanks for your order. I checked status today. Order was cancelled. I believe they did this to all ordered. Disappointing.
Looks like they canceled all orders
Yup. Just got a cancelation email and a refund. Win some lose some..